Manage All Users page FAQs 

Why can’t I see the link to get to the new Manage All Users page?

You need to be a Quick Base account or realm administrator in order to see the link.

Why isn't the page loading?

Check that you're using a supported browser. The new Manage All Users page can be used on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. The Internet Explorer browser is not supported at this time.

If you were part of the early access program and you're getting a "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" error, check your URL. We have changed the form of the URL to "". If you still see the error when using that URL, go to the "ui" form of the URL again. If you bookmarked the older form of the URL or used it in a script, you will need to update those items to use the new URL.

How do I get back to the Manage Billing Account page and the rest of Quick Base?

The Manage All Users page opens in a separate browser tab. Just close the tab.

Why are some commands missing on the new Manage All Users page?

This new interface for user management supplements the Manage Billing Account pages, offering you a consolidated view of all users in your account. It is not meant to be a complete replacement for the user management functionality in the Manage Billing Account pages at the current time. The new page shows user information for all users in your account into a single page and improves visibility and control over user details.

Why do my user counts differ between the Manage Billing Account pages and the Manage All Users page?

Note that "Quick Base Staff" + "Paid Seat" filters should equal total users on the Users with Access tab.

What are the other differences between the Manage Billing Account pages and the Manage All Users page?